• The United States' Missed Opportunity in Latin America

    Economic Security Begins Closer to Home

  • South America Can Still Save Its Trading Bloc

    Stalemate over a trade deal with the European Union has left Mercosur on life support. Its revival depends on spurring greater intraregional trade.

  • Sudamérica aún puede salvar su bloque comercial

    Las naciones de América del Sur no pueden crecer y prosperar sin conectarse a las cadenas de suministro y al comercio global. Y para ello necesitarán socios.

  • Mercosul corre risco de se desintegrar, mas estas lições podem fortalecer o bloco

    Pausa nas negociações de livre comércio com a União Europeia abrem espaço para que Uruguai avance em negociações bilaterais

  • It’s Not Deglobalization, It’s Regionalization

    Decoupling and derisking, deglobalization, slowbalization, and localization.

  • The Americas Can’t Handle Immigration a la Carte

    The Western Hemisphere needs regional solutions to make the most of the migration wave it faces.

  • América No Puede con Inmigración a la Carta

    Una ola migratoria sin precedentes en todo el hemisferio occidental tensiona a las comunidades y agita la política en múltiples países.

  • A Ticking Clock for Latin America’s Nearshoring Opportunity

    The window is still open for the region to benefit from the supply chain reshuffle—but not for much longer.

  • US Should Look South, Not Far East, on Trade Pacts

    Many economies in the Americas already have bilateral free trade agreements with Washington, offering a stronger base for nearshoring, deeper integration and higher standards.

  • Se os EUA buscam acordos comerciais eficazes, não é necessário ir até a Ásia

    Muitas economias no continente americano já firmaram acordos bilaterais de livre comércio com Washington, oferecendo uma base mais sólida para o nearshoring, uma integração mais profunda e padrões mais elevados.

  • La Violencia en México No la Resolverá el Ejército

    El giro militarista de los responsables políticos de ambos gobiernos, mexicano y estadounidense, no hará más segura a ninguna de las dos naciones.

  • Mexico's Carnage Has No Military Solution

    To curb violence and drug trafficking, Mexico needs functioning civilian police forces and court systems, not US military strikes and boots on the ground.

  • More nearshoring will make it better. Photographer: Omar Martínez/picture alliance via Getty Images

    The US Should Steal China’s Regional Cooperation IP

    Nearshoring beats reshoring and is the best way for American companies and workers to compete with the biggest economic challenge they face.

  • Getty Images

    The Globalization Myth

    Globalization is taking a beating. It faces a rising chorus of critics, particularly in the United States, that blame it for wage stagnation, inequality, and hollowed-out industrial towns.

  • Mexico’s justice system needs better police, lawyers and judges—and fewer soldiers. Photographer: Pedro Pardo/AFP via Getty Images

    More Soldiers Won’t Curb Mexico’s Rampant Violence

    Fully implementing and funding its 2008 constitutional reform of the justice system would reduce impunity, boost public confidence and uphold the basic rule of law.

  • Chile’s Failed Pensions Are Neoliberalism’s Badge of Shame

    A successful reform of the system is essential not only to reducing poverty, but also to restoring public faith in the country’s democracy.

  • Why Latin America Lost at Globalization—and How It Can Win Now

    Why Latin America Lost at Globalization—and How It Can Win Now

    A case for greater intraregional trade in today’s changing world.

  • The Myth of the Global

    Globalization, as commonly understood, is mostly a myth; the reality is far closer to regionalization.

  • Mexico's Democracy Is Crumbling Under AMLO

    Halfway through his term, President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador is moving from bending democratic norms and laws to breaking them — a slide that the U.S. cannot afford to ignore.

  • Governance Must Trump Ideology in Latin America's Elections

    Forget all the talk about the region’s “pink tide” and focus on which candidate is most likely to lift the greatest number of boats.

  • Latin America's New Economic Model May Emerge in Chile

    Once the region’s no-frills, free-market poster child, Chile needs more government spending, not less, to sustain its growth trajectory.

  • Populism Has Killed Latin America's Once-Powerful 'Technopols'

    Once able to rely on larger-than-life finance ministers, the region’s business leaders now need to make the public case for free markets via retail politics.

  • Why the Supply Chain Slowdown Will Persist

    Blame industrial policy and trade barriers—and not just the pandemic.

  • Mexico's Energy Grid Risks Fading to Black

    President Lopez Obrador’s plan to renationalize electricity generation will make it more expensive, dirtier and less reliable and jeopardize the inclusive economic growth he says he wants.